Kim Krompass

Hi, my name is Kim Krompass, and I am the founder of the Price Action Traders Institute (PATI). I teach traders all around the world how to pull profits out of the Forex markets using my proprietary 20 second trade planning process.

forex trading mentors

Forex Trading Mentors: Finding the Right One

Forex trading mentors can be an incredible resource to help redefine your trading skills, especially as a beginner. When you dip your toes in the pool of Forex trading, it can seem overwhelming at first due to the market’s size. However, a quality mentor can assist you with managing your strategies to understand better how the market

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forex vs stock trading

Forex vs Stock Trading: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the key differences between Forex vs stock trading is a great way to determine which investment is best. Both markets have their own advantages and disadvantages to consider, especially regarding how they work. Let’s delve into the world of the stock market vs Forex to see which has the highest potential for success. What

Forex vs Stock Trading: What’s the Difference? Read More »

pros and cons of forex trading

Pros and Cons of Forex Trading: Important Facts

Like many types of trading, the pros and cons of Forex trading can vary. You’ll find a collection of favorable and unfavorable events, which means you need to consider its benefits and disadvantages. Let’s explore Forex trading risks, as well as their advantages, to help you decide if it’s an appropriate market for you. What

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