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Forex vs Stock Trading: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the key differences between Forex vs stock trading is a great way to determine which investment is best.

Both markets have their own advantages and disadvantages to consider, especially regarding how they work.

Let’s delve into the world of the stock market vs Forex to see which has the highest potential for success.

What Is the Forex Market?

The Forex (foreign exchange) market is the largest market worldwide.

On average, it trades over five trillion USD daily, while the stock market averages around $257 billion daily.

With Forex, the markets are open 24 hours a day, five days a week, and are accessible by individual traders, banks, and institutions.

The most significant difference between the stock market vs Forex is that Forex doesn’t have a centralized marketplace.

Instead, currencies are traded over the counter in any market that happens to be open at the time.

When you’re dealing with trading Forex, you’ll buy one type of currency and sell another at the same time.

How Can I Make Money Forex Trading?

People make money with Forex trading by buying and selling different currencies.

They will also analyze trends to determine how successful a specific currency will become in the future.

You’ll find that those participating in the foreign exchange market are worldwide conglomerates.

It’s essential to manage your risk if you want to see the highest number of profits.

Ideally, each trade should have less than one percent risk either manually or with a stop-loss order.

With the right strategy, you can get returns as high as 20% per month, but it can be pretty challenging.

It’s more likely you’ll experience between 5% and 15% in profits monthly with the use of leverage.

Is Forex Bigger Than Stock Market?

There’s no doubt that Forex is larger than the stock market, whether you compare volume or liquidity.

As mentioned, the Forex market moves just over five trillion dollars worth of trades daily, making it the largest trading market worldwide.

It has a significantly higher level of liquidity than the stock market because of its larger size, allowing for more profits.

It’s important to note there’s a constant demand of the currency market, which also helps boost its liquidity.

Another reason why this market is significantly popular is that it’s open longer than the stock market.

The stock market is only available between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM EST, while the Forex is 24/5.

What Is the Difference Between Forex and the Stock Market?

The best way to compare Forex trading vs stock trading is to consider their pros and cons.

Aside from how the markets are structured, there are plenty of risks and advantages to both.

Is Forex Trading Better Than Stocks?

To compare Forex vs stocks, let’s first consider the features that could make one better than the other.

Pros of Forex Trading

Some of the most recognizable benefits of Forex trading include:

  • Continuous Learning

One of the most important aspects of investing is knowing the ins and outs of your potential moves.

With Forex, you can guarantee that you’ll have to brush up on your knowledge continually to learn new strategies.

Also, there are several phenomenal resources like the Price Action Traders Institute to help you along the way.

These resources can help you get started with Forex trading as a beginner while also accessing broker support.

If you’re someone who loves learning, you’ll enjoy continually improving your trading methods for success.

  • 24-Hour Market

When you get into Forex trading, you’ll never be limited to the hours that you can conduct trades.

It’s available 24 hours a day, five days a week, whereas the stock market has specific hours.

Many have found the 24-hour method is seamless, allowing individual traders to make moves at any given time.

It’s especially beneficial since brokerages are open from 5:00 PM Sunday to 5:00 Friday EST to accommodate your schedule.

Managing when you’re able to work with your investments is simple, regardless of where you are worldwide.

This heightened level of trading customization makes it an attractive option for traders.

  • Limited Commissions

Another significant advantage of the foreign exchange market is how stockbrokers often require little to no commissions.

This point is especially true if you find an online brokerage, as they’re less likely to charge hidden or any fees at all.

The reason for this is the incredible transparency that the market offers, ensuring trading costs are lower.

Also, brokers typically obtain their money through bid or ask spreads.

  • No Short-Selling Restrictions

You can guarantee you’ll be able to find trading opportunities for both long and short selling.

All that matters is which market is moving, allowing you to buy one currency and sell another at any time.

It’s also important to note there isn’t directional bias, so you can equally trade in falling or rising markets.

  • Limited Market Manipulation

One of the most considerable concerns with the stock market is market manipulation by people close to investments.

With the Forex, on the other hand, there’s a minimal chance big players can manipulate the market.

With its size and public scrutiny, every movement is noticeable, but it’s also so liquid that manipulation rarely occurs.

  • Lower Entry Costs

Have you considered trading stocks only to find you need to invest more than you initially thought to get started?

With Forex, there’s a significantly lower financial bar that you’ll need to meet.

Also, there’s no minimal regulated balance that you’ll need to consider to get started.

Some beginner traders start with amounts as low as $50.

Pros of the Stock Market

Although Forex trading has plenty of benefits, as does the stock market.

Some of its most notable advantages include:

  • Easy To Start

It’s well-known that Forex requires a lot of knowledge to get started and begin making money.

With the stock market, it’s a little simpler, especially when it comes to choosing a brokerage.

Nearly every brokerage does trading on the NYSE, allowing you to have more control over the platform you use.

  • Ample Stock Choices

You can guarantee that when comparing Forex versus stocks, the stock market has significantly more choices.

Forex revolves around currency, so you’re limited based on the currencies specific countries have.

With the stock market, individual companies can offer stocks to prospective customers.

On average, there are over 2000 stocks on the NYSE and 3000 stocks on the NASDAQ alone.

If you prefer to have a more diverse selection of avenues to put your money on, the stock market is often preferred.

  • Potential for Significant Gains

The volatility of the stock market is considered a benefit, as it could result in significant gains.

It’s considered normal for stocks to go up or down by as much as five percent daily.

On the other hand, the currency might rise or fall a penny or two, which isn’t going to help you see much profit.

With the volatility of the stock market, you can earn higher profits without requiring leverage.

However, if you’re making risky trades, this is also a disadvantage to consider since you can lose more.

  • Better for Long-Term Investments

If you’re the type of person interested in long-term investments, the stock market is bound to be the most advantageous.

The Forex can vary more in direction than stocks, which can put longer investments at risk.

With stocks, you can hold positions for years or months, depending on the factors influencing your long-term outcome.

Another advantage of stocks and long-term positions is you can reduce the amount of analysis required per option.

difference between forex vs stock trading

Is Forex Riskier Than Stocks?

Now that you’re aware of the significant advantages of the foreign exchange market, let’s consider the disadvantages.

Some circles suggest it’s riskier to consider Forex trading vs stock trading, but that’s not always the case.

It’s important to note the negative things you could experience with both the Forex and stock markets.

Cons of Forex

Some of the disadvantages of Forex trading include:

  • Dangerous Leverage

Leverage can be used as a hefty asset, but it can also destroy the initial deposit in your account.

With little experience, it’s too easy for beginners to make bad trades, losing all of their investment.

Unfortunately, leverage is a requirement for Forex, which makes it significantly riskier than stocks.

  • Fewer Options

Compared to the stock market, there are significantly fewer options available to Forex traders.

It can also be challenging to find brokers, especially as not every brokerage offers this type of trading.

This issue could result in you being strapped to particular platforms for trading.

  • Lack of Regulation

There’s no doubt there’s significantly less regulation over Forex brokerages than there is with the stock market.

This point is particularly true as many foreign exchange market brokerages are located overseas.

Without adequate background research, you could be leaving your money with a company with poor practices.

Cons of the Stock Market

Some of the most notable disadvantages of the stock market include:

  • Limited Hours

Depending on where you live, working with the stock market can be challenging due to time restrictions.

This market is only open between 9:30 AM and 4 PM, which means you could miss out on valuable opportunities.

For example, those based in the U.K. trading on the U.S. stock market need to work awry hours to maximize profits.

  • Day Trading Laws

Another difference between Forex vs stocks is how they’re regulated.

Unlike the foreign exchange market, the stock market is regulated by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

They have a regulation in place known as pattern day trading laws that control who can trade and when.

Based on the current regulations, only those with portfolio balances over $25,000 can trade three times weekly.

Alternatively, on the Forex, you can trade any amount at any time of day with little to no regulations.

  • Less Short-Term Success

When looking at Forex vs stocks, you’ll find the stock market has fewer short-term opportunities, also known as scalping.

Traders aren’t going to be able to close trades in minutes, allowing you to take advantage of quick price movements.

Forex, on the other hand, is an incredibly fast-paced environment that could change in an instant.

Depending on the amount of risk and volatility you’re interested in, this could be a benefit or disadvantage.

However, if you’re searching for long-term opportunities, you’ll want to consider stocks.

Should I Trade on the Stock Market or Forex Market?

Deciding between Forex versus stocks has a lot to do with personal preference and your expectations.

It’s impossible to provide a definitive answer, as both markets are significantly different and have their own advantages.

You’ll find your final decision will come down to how much risk you’re willing to take on.

Some of the top recommendations you should consider thinking about include:


Are you the type of person interested in researching and using resources to diversify your skills?

If so, then working with the foreign exchange market is your best option.

You will always have to be on top of your game by analyzing trends, global economics, and trading strategies.

One of the most significant differences is that you’ll need to consider how global events can influence money.

For example, you’ll need to consider political events, the gross domestic product of countries, inflation, unemployment, and more.

Essentially, anything that could influence the value of a country’s currency can affect your trades.


Managing your choice between Forex vs stock market trading has a lot to do with risk as well.

Unless you’re explicitly making risky trades on the stock market, there’s much less than with Forex.

The high liquidity, fast-paced environment of Forex trading can be very overwhelming for beginners.

Often, it’s better to consider the long-term investments available to you through the stock market.

Upfront Costs

The upfront costs associated with having a Forex account are smaller than with the stock market.

Sure, you can add $50 to your portfolio to trade, but it’s not likely to give you significant profits.

Whereas with Forex, you can make a little more money faster with as little as $50 to get started.

Forex vs Stock Trading: Final Thoughts

The world of Forex vs stock trading is fun to navigate, especially if you’re up for a financial challenge.

Understanding the risks and rewards of Forex vs the stock market can give you a good idea of which avenue is best.

With different trading strategies, varying availability, and differing regulations, both markets are beneficial in their own ways.

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Picture of Kim Krompass

Kim Krompass

Hi, my name is Kim Krompass, and I am the founder of the Price Action Traders Institute (PATI). I teach traders all around the world how to pull profits out of the Forex markets using my proprietary 20 second trade planning process.

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