Women in Forex Trading

Kim Krompass is the founder of the Price Action Traders Institute (PATI) in San Francisco and has been trading for over fifteen years. In today’s Q&A for our Women in Trading series, we speak to her about her experiences in the trading industry, starting her website, and her advice to other female traders.

Women in Trading: Kim Krompass

Could you tell me a bit about how you began trading – and what interested you about it in the first place?

I am a California CPA and I owned a very successful high level CPA recruiting business from 1996 to 2001. I retired early from the company and from practicing as a CPA in 2001. I was too young to sit around. I have always been interested in the markets since I began practising as a CPA, but I never took the time to learn about them until 2001. I started trading stocks, then options and on to commodities. I eventually heard about forex in 2004 and ever since then that is where I focused my time and efforts.

What made you decide to start the Price Action Traders Institute?

I was different from 99% of the forex traders out there who believed the only way to make money was to trade the London session. Living in California meant I would have to either stay up all night or go to sleep while the sun was up and wake up 30 minutes before midnight and work through the night. I did it for a couple of years and it really took a toll on my health and my relationships.

I decided I had to figure out how to trade the NY session to get my health and my life back on track. And I did. I started teaching my own course/strategy for other forex traders called, “How to Trade the NY Session”. It all came to a head for me when I worked with three guys who had zero integrity or ethics (something I noticed was common in the online forex world). I

no longer wanted to be associated with them and I left…



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Picture of Kim Krompass

Kim Krompass

Hi, my name is Kim Krompass, and I am the founder of the Price Action Traders Institute (PATI). I teach traders all around the world how to pull profits out of the Forex markets using my proprietary 20 second trade planning process.

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